Spring Skincare Checklist


Spring Skincare Checklist  


There is always a sense of freshness about the spring. Maybe we will clean the house really well, and get a cool new outfit. But, what about your skincare routine? Spring is a transition period and it can be stressful on skin and spring’s unique conditions present its own set of challenges. The SPA LUX esthetics team has its own list of recommendations based on the industry’s best practices of what you should do and what you shouldn’t for your skin in the spring.

Exfoliate, and do it more often
As skin dries more during the winter it builds up more dead cells on the surface. Thus, first and foremost, we need to help our skin to get rid of those dead cells. As skin underneath is still more sensitive it is recommended to use a gentle exfoliator at least three times per week to reduce sebum and stimulate the natural cell renewal process.

During the seasonal transition periods the moisture levels in our skin always change. Dermatologists explain that the hydrolipidic layer – a film on the surface level of skin which protects against moisture loss and keeps bacteria and other foreign substances from harming the skin – is much weaker functionally during the winter than during the spring. Studies have also shown that water loss from the skin is significantly higher during the wintertime. Thus, skin tends to become oilier during the transition period as the weather gets warmer. To help balance skin’s naturally changing moisture level, choose a lighter lotion instead of a cream, and go for an oil-free formulation if you already have oily or combination skin.

SPA LUX team strongly encourages every client to wear products with SPF during every season. However, spring presents more challenges as the sun gets more active and we like to hang out to enjoy the beautiful weather (before it gets too hot in Oklahoma!) So, the skin is exposed for longer times and gets more sensitive to the sun. If you don’t normally use any sun protection, this is the time to do it for sure.  

Use products that address your specific skin type
Dermatologists notice that most problems with sensitive skin type occur in the spring. If you have pollen allergies your skin is even more likely to experience problems. It is very important to use products formulated for your skin type to avoid irritation and other related problems. Abstain from products formulated with chemicals, parabens or fragrances. Do not use products based on mineral oils as they contain allergens that could further irritate skin and clog pores.

Consult with the pros
Defining what to do best for your skin during spring maybe a challenge requiring a professional advice. There is a ton of information that professionals use to make the right decisions. During each facial SPA LUX estheticians will analyze your skin type and provide a customized set of recommendations and products that you can use to help your skin feel and look the best.