Do you spend enough time with your other half? Spa Lux can help!

How much quality time do you really spend with your significant other? You may wake up beside them every morning, eat breakfast and dinner together and sit down next each other to watch television at night, but is this really quality time?

Sometimes life can get in the way of us really appreciating our spouses or partners. We don’t sit down to chat, laugh and reconnect with one another regularly enough. We don’t indulge in simply spending a few hours together to relax and unwind. At Spa Lux, Tulsa we want this to change. We think it’s time for couples to reconnect once again and rediscover the reasons they fell in love.

What can a couples massage do for your relationship?

A massage is designed to relieve aching muscles and unwind knots, but the effects of a good massage are more than just physical. You’ll feel calmer, less stressed, and will have an overall feeling of increased happiness and wellbeing. Having a massage with your significant other will allow you to share in this feeling of euphoria and give you a sense of togetherness as you go through the experience side by side. You’ll feel closer and more connected as a result.

An entire day dedicated to just the two of you!

A side-by-side couple’s massage at Spa Lux is more than just an hour’s treatment, it’s several hours of escape from the daily grind. As soon as you step into our cool, calm and quiet spa you’ll be able to put your daily stresses to the side and concentrate on just you and your partner.

Your treatment will begin with an invigorating cup of green tea and a decadent foot bath in the Spa Lux Relaxation Room. It’s the perfect time to lay back, relax and catch up with your partner, without any interruptions.

You’ll then be taken into the treatment room for your indulgent side-by-side massage right here in Tulsa. We’re renowned for having some of the best Tulsa massage therapists so you can rest assured all those pesky knots and pains will be unwound.

When your couples massage is over you’re free to enjoy the extra Spa Lux amenities, including our indulgent cedar sauna and Turkish steam rooms. You’re welcome to stay as long as you wish, until you feel relaxed, calm and fully reconnected with one another.

If an indulgent side-by-side massage sounds like the perfect escape for you and your loved one, simply request your appointment online now or purchase a gift certificate for your other half.